Saturday 6 July 2019

A Review of Algerian War of National Liberation

F.L.N. (National Liberation Front) soldiers, 1954-1962, during the Algerian War of Independence
Using the U.S. Army’s Current Counterinsurgency Doctrine, is a publication, by Karl Goetzke, COL, US Army. "The Algerian War of National Liberation is a classic counter-insurgency operation. A rebellion arising from within the Algerian population was transformed into an insurgency by the incorporation of an armed political campaign. Underlying this rebellion were socio-economic factors that typically galvanize any political campaign (e.g., distribution of wealth, participation in political intercourse). The catalyst for rebellion and resistance was a popular desire to end the French occupation of Algeria. While the indigenous population of Algeria was overwhelmingly Islamic, religious ideology was not a primary mobilizing factor behind the rebellion, unlike the current insurgencies faced in the War on Terrorism."

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